When the sickness of racism against the Asian-American community has become so dangerous that even a grandmother is not safe, I think we should admit we have a full blown crisis. While I can’t speak to the reality of what it’s like to be an Asian-American right now, what I do know is that Asian-Americans have been an integral part of Noah’s universe, both as people who shop the brand and people who have always inspired it.
There are so many Asian-Americans that have shaped skateboarding, music, and the collective culture we’re a part of, but there’s also the dark history of how Asians in America have been discriminated against, enslaved, and murdered in the name of imperialism and capitalism. Just look up “Chinese Exclusion Act” or “Rock Springs Massacre”.
As a start, to show our support for the Asian-American community, we’re donating a percentage of all sales from Thursday, March 25 to Sunday, March 28 to the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund. AALDEF, a New York-based national organization founded in 1974, protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans. The organization focuses on critical issues affecting Asian Americans, including immigrant rights, voting rights and democracy, economic justice for workers, educational equity, housing and environmental justice, and the elimination of anti-Asian violence, police misconduct, and human trafficking. Additionally, we’ve updated the donation option at checkout to benefit AALDEF and will be matching donations from Thursday to Sunday.
Our store in NY is just on the edge of Chinatown. If for any reason, anyone ever feels threatened while in the area, think of our store as a safe haven. You have our support. We also are open to more ideas on how to help.