Core Swim Trunks:
Spring / Summer ‘24
Running shorts? Swim trunks? It’s all the same to us.
We want to stress that we’re not a running company, but we’re made of runners and those who just want to pursue an active, engaged lifestyle. We’ve always felt that running apparel has typically been made with the singular focus of optimizing performance for the run itself—or at least that’s how they’ve always been developed & marketed. You wear them to run and workout, then you change and carry on with your day. We were never into that.
Some of our favorite days are those hot and humid ones that start off with a run and lead directly to the beach for a swim, and in our opinion over-emphasizing performance for running clothes impedes on that freeing act of letting your legs take you places. Clothes are meant to be lived in—especially ours.
Core Swim Trunks:
Spring / Summer ‘24
Running shorts? Swim trunks? It’s all the same to us.
We want to stress that we’re not a running company, but we’re made of runners and those who just want to pursue an active, engaged lifestyle. We’ve always felt that running apparel has typically been made with the singular focus of optimizing performance for the run itself—or at least that’s how they’ve always been developed & marketed. You wear them to run and workout, then you change and carry on with your day. We were never into that.
Some of our favorite days are those hot and humid ones that start off with a run and lead directly to the beach for a swim, and in our opinion over-emphasizing performance for running clothes impedes on that freeing act of letting your legs take you places. Clothes are meant to be lived in—especially ours.