Noah on Bodysurfing - Cover

Noah on Bodysurfing

At Noah we believe in activity, engagement, involvement and, well, doing stuff. While many of the endeavors that inspire us take some know-how and finesse we are also huge fans of some of life's more direct, uncomplicated pleasures. Enter bodysurfing: perhaps the single most accessible and unpretentious way of connecting with the ocean.

There's very little equipment involved. You don't need to swim out far. The waves don't have to be big, and there's really no right or wrong way to do it. It can be done spontaneously whenever you're at the beach, and, as Brendon discovered last summer with Chris Gentile from Pilgrim Surf + Supply, a pair of fins and a handplane can elevate the experience into something impressive. The boost the fins provide give you super swimming power when the surf is rough. A handplane provides just enough stability and extra buoyancy for you to rip down a wave for far longer than you expected.

We appreciate the simple, elegant, and eminently functional design of both of these tools, and we're in love with their ability to amp up the bodysurfing experience without being unwieldy or expensive. That's why we'll be proudly offering the following in-store at Noah on Mulberry Street this summer, while supplies last:
DaFiN Swim and Surf Fins
Developed for lifeguards and made out of light but responsive Malaysian rubber, these are the most effective and comfortable fins available. While their red/yellow colorway is reserved for lifeguards worldwide, Noah is offering a selection of pink, royal, rasta and gray to get you out into the waves this summer.

Dutch Surfboard's Old Reliable Handplane
Made from ultra-light, warp-resistant, hand-finished poplar, with a deep concave channel for stability and a tough canvas strap in navy or green, this handplane will enhance your bodysurfing turning and maneuverability 

Many of us at Noah are lifelong surfers, but you won't catch us throwing shade at our bodysurfing brethren while we're out in the water. In fact, we'll often be among them, leaving our boards behind in favor of a pair of DaFiNs and a Dutch handplane. 
The ocean is yours, jump in and have fun!