Enjoy Life! - Cover

Enjoy Life!

One of the fundamental ideas of Noah is that if we are not enjoying ourselves at work, than we have failed. So much time is spent at work, that it would be a pity for us to not love what we do. However, it is easy to forget that every moment is precious, and fall into the traps that are laid for us. The ones that tell us we need to love a certain way, or wear certain clothes, or eat or vacation in certain places to feel accomplished. I too have been guilty of of forgetting to have fun in the face of the mounting pressures of adulthood. Those pressures quietly force us to work more and change our priorities to amassing wealth and things as opposed to amassing experiences and having fun. When I started this business I had a natural inclination to try to leave skateboarding, behind me as I didn't want to be redundant, but as time went on it became more difficult. It was my adult brain telling me I had to leave skating out of the Noah conversation, but it was unnatural to walk away from it and the fun it had brought me. A large part of what we have set out to do is to redefine for ourselves what we can and can't do as part of our business. We've decided that anything that makes us happy should be on the table. With that in mind, we'd like to remind you to Enjoy Life.